10 Tips for Playing Sic Bo – Sweep Every Casino Based on Experts

Tips for Playing Sic Bo

Tips for playing Sic Bo will be a powerful “weapon” to help bettors sweep all online casinos. Not only do they understand how the game works, experienced people also know how to bet to get the most profit. If you want to dig deeper into this advanced secret, please follow the JLSlot expert.

Rules of Sic Bo that beginners need to know before starting

Before going into the tips for playing Sic Bo, you need to understand the rules first. This betting game is very easy to play so almost anyone can start. Here, the Dealer will shake a tray containing 3 dice and then the player will bet to predict the results inside. 

If you think the total score is from 4 to 10, choose Under, if you think the score is only from 11 to 17, choose Over. After placing the bet, the bowl will be opened and the result will be announced. Whoever predicts correctly will be paid according to the house’s rules.

Rules of Sic Bo that beginners need to know before starting
Rules of Sic Bo that beginners need to know before starting

Summary of tips for always winning at Sic Bo for beginners 

In the past, people thought that winning or losing in Sic Bo was a matter of luck. However, this is no longer true now that people know how to calculate and control the game. 

Know the rules of the game and how to bet before entering the table

One of the most important tips for playing Sic Bo is to understand the rules of the game and the types of bets. You have to bet correctly first to have a chance to win. 

In general, this game is not difficult and is guided by the house from the beginning. Therefore, you can easily equip yourself with knowledge before playing. 

Prioritize tables with many players and real interaction

The best tip that experts advise beginners is to choose a table with many players. This is where you meet many experienced players and learn how to play. Not only that, these Sic Bo tables have higher bets and more chances of winning big. 

In particular, game portals with many bettors will have a lower risk of being scammed. Many fake addresses often arrange for people to pretend to play to deceive you. Therefore, new players should observe carefully and check if the interaction is real before playing.

Double down to win in Sic Bo

Many experienced players in the industry share their tips for playing Sic Bo by doubling up. This is a betting strategy that can bring in big rewards but requires you to have capital. 

Specifically, you need to choose a door and then place a sufficient amount of money. If that game wins, players should keep the bet amount, but if they lose, double the amount of money on that door. 

Just do that until you win and you will have a large bonus. However, you need to prepare enough capital to follow through or you will lose everything.

Watch for flat and broken bets to play over/under more effectively

Summary of tips for always winning at Sic Bo for beginners 
Summary of tips for always winning at Sic Bo for beginners

Flat bridge, the broken bridge is the tip of playing Sic Bo that only experienced players know. Simply put, this is a way to calculate probability and find the rules of the game. 

Flat bridge is the case where the over or under door comes back continuously for 3 games or more. The broken bridge is the type of bridge where the over and under results come back alternately. To recognize flat and broken bridges is not simple, you have to spend a lot of time following the results table. 

Then, you need to remember the history to easily detect flat and broken bridges and place bets accordingly. This requires regular practice to master, so you don’t need to rush.

Place multiple buttons, and multiple doors to increase your chances of winning

If you are a newbie, you can divide your capital and bet on many doors. This is the simplest but safest tip for newbies. This way, no matter what the result is, you still have a chance to win.

However, players should note that this method can only help you break even but not win big. Therefore, this strategy is only suitable for beginners who want to learn about the game without losing much money. 

Bet on people who are winning on a streak

Newbies can start by observing who wins the most at the table. They may be experienced and have their own secrets, so you can bet according to them. 

This method can help you start the game smoothly and get the first bonuses. During the game, analyze the betting method of this expert to have a suitable strategy for yourself later. 

The easiest way to win over/under bets from experts

In addition to the great tips for playing Sic Bo above, you need some more secrets to bet effectively. To do this, please learn how experienced people bet.

Split your bets and use them for multiple games.

The people who win the most are the ones who stay in the game for the long haul. They always have betting capital and don’t let themselves get into a situation where they run out of money. 

To do this, you should divide your capital and place many bets. If they win, they will withdraw their capital and continue betting with the bonus money. This way, they can accumulate and have more money every day.

Limit playing time to avoid affecting life

A secret to playing Sic Bo that many people are applying is to limit the playing time and the amount of money used. This entertainment is extremely attractive, and easily captivating, making many brothers immersed in forgetting the time. This can affect the lives of many players. 

Therefore, players should only limit the time allowed to play and the amount of money used each day. Whether you win or lose, you must not exceed this milestone to be able to play for a long time. 

Quick and easy is a great tip for playing Sic Bo. 

Any bettor is greedy, when they win they want to win more. However, this is almost impossible, especially for beginners. 

Therefore, many people choose to play fast and withdraw quickly when playing Sic Bo. They will withdraw from the game if they win 3-4 games in a row and do not lose capital. 

You can play again after a few more games and give yourself some time to rest. This will help you control your mood and make better decisions. 

Don’t bet too recklessly without specific calculations.

Gamblers usually only use a maximum of 20% of their capital for a single bet. This helps you avoid losing everything and losing all your money when you first start. 

You absolutely do not use too much money without a specific plan. This will make you run out of capital very quickly and cannot make money anymore.

Choose a reputable dice playground to enjoy entertainment with peace of mind

The last tip to remember when playing Sic Bo is to find a reputable place to play. Only these places organize fair games and pay out on time so you can rest assured that you will make money.


Above are some extremely good tips for playing Sic Bo that only experts know. These secrets can help beginners understand the principles and easily conquer the game. If you have any questions while playing, please contact JLSlot for more detailed information.